Explorer Report 2023

This scouting year has seen the explorers take on new challenges and develop into a confident group of young people.   Our explorers have enjoyed the Skywalk at Folkestone Sports Centre, hikes, wide games, scouting skills challenges and learning how to work together in an effective team.   I believe that the experiences the unit has had are a strong predictor of success in the upcoming year. The number of explorers engaged in the young leader program fills me with immense pride. They are taking the skills they are learning in that role and using them to support less experienced explorers in our unit.   In the upcoming year the leadership team is making changes in response to feedback from our unit forums […]

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Squirrel Report 2023

What a fantastic second year for our Squirrels! It’s been a big year for our section and with not one but two big trips! Our programme has been jam packed with investitures, activities and adventure, and we have enjoyed every minute of it! Most of our evenings have been based on different books. We have protected eggs, learnt about space, made forkies, squished seed bombs and even had a water party! We have tried to get outside more this year, exploring the forest and also using our garden space lots more! We’ve identified trees, gone on bug hunts and even improved our den building skills! Our squirrels have gone home with plenty of artwork and creations we have made this […]

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Cub Report 2023

Wow, what a year it has been for Cubs! We’ve had a great year of fun and adventure, whilst learning and earning badges along the way. Some of the big highlights have been meeting Masai Chief Joseph to learn about his tribe and the issues they face with drought in their village/area, a trip to Legoland, a visit to Heaver Castle and a day at Chatham Dockyard. We’ve been on hikes,  had talent evenings, had fun building whacky racers, we even got to play at being politicians and debating the important things like “should leaders get paid?” and “What is the best flavour of crisp?”. More importantly, as a youth shaped organisation, the Cubs have taken a role in helping […]

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Beaver Report 2023

We started our year with 35 beavers having added to our core number with 4 Squirrels and a further 9 YP from our waiting list. This is a large number of very diverse young people and we are grateful that some parents have stepped up to offer support. We successfully moved 5 YP into Cubs in September, two of whom achieved the Chief Scout’s Bronze award with one other who will complete his award during the first term in Cubs. During the Autumn term we planned for a variety of activities, including some outside sessions, weather permitting. We launched the year with ‘Space, The Final Frontier, covering elements of our space badge. The Beavers enjoyed our session on Autumn Splendours, […]

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