Annual General Meeting 2023

Welcome to another celebration of Scouting at 11th Folkestone Scouts. Please take the time to read through the reports from our sections and trustees and find out about all the goings on at this busy Group and how the charity has performed over the past year. Click on the headings below.

I look forward to welcoming you all in person at our Awards evening and Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 25th July 2023 at the HQ.

-Steve, Group Chair

Annual General Meeting 2022

Minutes Pro forma

1. Welcome and introductions from the deputy chair·         Group trustees for previous year·         District Commissioner: Tony Hogben
2. Apologies for absence Note any: Maite Last – Treasurer Abbey Sutton – Trustee Steve Fairfax – Group Chair
3. Acceptance of the minutes from the previous meeting. Proposed: Steve Fairfax
Seconded: Craig Ward
4. Receive & adopt the annual report Proposed: Steve Fairfax
Seconded: Craig Ward
5. Receive & adopt the financial report Proposed: Maite Last
Seconded: Steve Fairfax
Group Deputy Chair and all trustees retire from post at this point. GSL assumes chair.
6. Approval of the GSLs nomination for Group Chair: Steve Fairfax Nominated: Group Scout Leader
Approved (show of voting slips)
Group Chair reappointed and resumes chair of AGM.
7i. Election of Group Officers: Maite Last (Treasurer) Proposed: Steve Fairfax
Seconded: Craig Ward
7ii. Election of Group Officers: Karen Ingelbrecht (Secretary) Proposed: Craig Ward
Seconded: Amanda Sutton
8i. Election of Group Trustees: Amanda Sutton Abbey Sutton Sarah Marshall Pete Woodsford Proposed: Craig Ward
Seconded: Alistair Sutton
8ii. Group Scout Leader’s nominations to the Trustee Board: Seconded by Ian Marshall Edward Hogben
8iii. Section Leaders who have opted in: Rebecca Ingelbrecht Ian Marshall Kate Ward
9. Appointment of Independent Examiner (scrutineer):Amanda Campbell Bookkeeping Services, Folkestone Proposed: Amanda Sutton
Seconded: Alistair Sutton
10. Presentation of Awards. Group Scout Leader lead the presentation of awards.
10i. District Commissioner words: DC spoke of the excellent work of the Group, thanked all volunteer and parents and presented awards. Group Chair thanked everyone for attending and appealed for more leaders in all section as we have waiting lists. More leaders mean more children can participate.
11. Close of business.

Category: 2023 Annual Report

Structure, governance and management

The Group’s governing documents are those of The Scout Association. They consist of a Royal Charter, which in turn gives authority to the Bye Laws of the Association and The Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association. The Group is a trust established under its rules which are common to all Scouts. The Trustees are appointed in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.

The Group is managed by the Group Executive Committee, the members of which are the ‘Charity Trustees’ of the Scout Group which is an educational charity. As charity trustees they are responsible for complying with legislation applicable to charities. This includes the registration, keeping proper accounts and making returns to the Charity Commission as appropriate.

The Committee consists of three independent representatives, Chair, Treasurer and Secretary together with the Group Scout Leaders, individual section leaders (if opted to take on the responsibility) and members’ representation and meets every 4 months.

Members of the Executive Committee complete ‘Essential Information for Executive Committee’ training along with regular refreshers in Safety and Safeguarding.

This Group Executive Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment and is responsible for:

  • The maintenance of Group property;
  • The raising of funds and the administration of Group finance;
  • The insurance of persons, property and equipment;
  • Group public occasions;
  • Assisting in the recruitment of leaders and other adult support;
  • Appointing any sub committees that may be required;
  • Appointing Group Administrators and Advisors other than those who are elected.

Risk and Internal Control

The Group Executive Committee has identified the major risks to which they believe the Group is exposed, these have been reviewed and systems have been established to mitigate against them.

The main areas of concern that have been identified are:

Damage to the building, property and equipment. The Group would request the use of buildings, property and equipment from neighbouring organisations such as the church, community centre and other Scout Groups. Similar reciprocal arrangements exist with these organisations. The Group has sufficient buildings and contents insurance in place to mitigate against permanent loss.

Injury to leaders, helpers, supporters and members. The Group, through the membership fees payable annually, contributes to the Scout Associations national accident insurance policy. Risk Assessments are undertaken and approved by the Group Scout Leader on behalf of the District Commissioner before all activities.

Reduction or loss of leaders. The Group is totally reliant upon volunteers to run and administer the activities of the group. If there was a reduction in the number of leaders to an unacceptable level in a particular section or the group as a whole then there would have to be a contraction, consolidation or closure of a section. In the worst-case scenario the complete closure of the Group.

Reduction or loss of members. The Group provides activities for all young people aged 6 to 18. If there was a reduction in membership in a particular section or the group as whole then there would have to be a contraction, consolidation or closure of a section. In the worst-case scenario the complete closure of the Group.

Risk and Internal Control of Finances

The group has in place systems of internal controls that are designed to provide reasonable assurance against material mismanagement or loss; these include clear budget setting, two signatories for all payments, a robust finance policy with spending authorisation schedule and well considered and scoped comprehensive insurance policies to ensure that insurable risks are covered.

Reduced income. The Group is primarily reliant upon income from membership subscriptions. The group does hold a reserve to ensure the continuity of activities should there be a major reduction in income. The Committee could raise the value of subscriptions to increase the income to the group on an ongoing basis, either temporarily or permanently. The Committee’s primary plan for meet any short fall is through the hiring of the Shepway Close Centre as one of our biggest assets.

Category: 2023 Annual Report

Objectives and activities

The Purpose of Scouting

Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

The Values of Scouting

As Scouts we are guided by these values:

Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.

Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others.

Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live.

Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.

Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.

The Scout Method

Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

  • enjoy what they are doing and have fun
  • take part in activities indoors and outdoors
  • learn by doing
  • share in spiritual reflection
  • take responsibility and make choices
  • undertake new and challenging activities
  • make and live by their Promise

Financial Review

The Group’s policy on reserves is to hold sufficient resources to continue the charitable activities of the group should income and fundraising activities fall short. The Group Executive Committee considers that the group should hold a sum equivalent to 12 months running costs, designating £2400 to this purpose. This was reviewed in full in October 2022 and annually thereafter. The 2021 accounting period set the designated reserves fund at £4000. This was to include the reserves fund as set above with an additional 2 months’ worth of loan repayment cover in addition to a sum for unexpected repair of the Group minibuses.

At the end of the 2022 financial year, the Group held £11,692 cash with unallocated reserves of £5022 held in the Group’s current account against this at year end.

This is above the level required for operating expenses. However this can be explained by:

  • cash held for operating costs due early in the next financial year
  • the Committee’s continued rolling programme of maintenance of the Shepway Close Centre
  • to fully fund the Group’s ambitious 2018-2023 growth and development plan.

Investment Policy      

The Group’s Income and Expenditure is relatively small and as a consequence does not have sufficient funds to invest in longer-term investments such as stocks and shares. The Group has therefore adopted a low risk strategy to the investment of its funds. All funds are held in cash using only mainstream banks or building societies or The Scout Association’s Short Term Investment Service.

The Group Executive regularly monitors the levels of bank balances and the interest rates received to ensure the group obtains maximum value and income from its banking arrangements. Occasionally this may involve using an account that requires a period of notice before funds may be withdrawn, before doing so the Group Executive considers the cash flow requirements. The annual budget setting process takes this into consideration.

Public benefit statement

The Group meets the Charity Commission’s public benefit criteria under both the advancement of education and the advancement of citizenship or community development headings.

Group Chair’s Statement

The Trustee Board have been fully committed in supporting the Group leadership team develop the Skills for Life growth and development plan laying out the roadmap for the future of our Group and Scouting locally and supporting the volunteer section teams in trying to bring down our waiting lists. The problem seems to be a difficult one to solve – the more we improve our programmes, resources and centre, the more people want to join us! We’ve supported the attempt to open a new section for Beavers, however this was not successful due to no adult being willing to volunteer to help run it. We will try again, but this year’s attempt has sadly not led to the positive outcome we were aiming for.

The Trustees have also considered the budget moving forward and with the continues cost of living crisis, we can no longer keep subs at the current level. Craig and I have set this out in the letter send to all parents last month and we hope you will understand and agree with us. We will not compromise the quality of our programme, having worked so hard to get it to where it us. In our cost cutting efforts, we have removed some of the external services we were buying into, such as cleaning, and are now doing this in house using our existing volunteers who once again have stepped up to the plate to take this on. Thank you to them and of course, any one wishing to volunteer is very welcome. Without action, our predictions were a deficit of of £10,000 in our finances by 2025 and obviously, we cannot manage this or put the group at risk. As written in the letter, we do not want finances to be a barrier to Scouting, so encourage anyone with financial difficulties casued by this increase to speak to us so we can help – we have the Penticost fund to call upon!

As always, I’d like to thank my fellow trustees for their continued support and enthusiasm in the stewardship of the Group and of course, our thanks to Craig, Alistair and the leadership team for their hard work and dedication in giving our young people the opportunity to learn skills for life.

Category: 2023 Annual Report

We started our year with 35 beavers having added to our core number with 4 Squirrels and a further 9 YP from our waiting list. This is a large number of very diverse young people and we are grateful that some parents have stepped up to offer support. We successfully moved 5 YP into Cubs in September, two of whom achieved the Chief Scout’s Bronze award with one other who will complete his award during the first term in Cubs.

During the Autumn term we planned for a variety of activities, including some outside sessions, weather permitting. We launched the year with ‘Space, The Final Frontier, covering elements of our space badge. The Beavers enjoyed our session on Autumn Splendours, making leaf luminaries and learning about how to keep Hedgehogs safe. In addition we learnt a song about Hedgehogs and Clare taught us how to sign it (BSL) Then the Beavers sang and signed the song for parents/carers at pick up time. However, the planning required a bit of a shuffle after the death of the Queen!  The Beavers have completed a lovely ‘book’ of condolence to commemorate the Queen’s life and service which has been sent to Buckingham Palace. We still managed to fit in Remembrance, Highland Dancing, Road Safety and Christmas Crafts and fun. It was great to see so many Beavers attending the Remembrance Day service and all behaved impeccably.

At the start of the Spring Term our numbers remained at 35 YP. A few children had dropped out but we had Squirrels to move up and a few new children to come off the waiting list. We welcomed another adult to support the Beavers who is also a BSL signer which strengthens our communication network especially for several children who sometimes need sign supported language. Our emphasis for this term was Friendship and the Beaver Motto of Friends and Fun. Also what makes us special/unique/different.  We explored the Chinese (Lunar) New Year with many craft activities.  This was followed by finding out about Healthy Lifestyles (looking at our diet, exercise and caring for our bodies and our teeth).

We then covered Emergency Aid and learnt about the different services available on 999. This was followed by a session called Danger, Danger looking at different dangerous practices around the home and garden. The Beavers were all very good at finding the dangers and saying what could happen. We covered the aspects of the Money Badge and had a session called Art Attack where we drew Australian animals and decorated them in the style of Native Aboriginal painters/artists. We finished the term on an International note, looking at languages, foods, famous building in three countries. French and Italian certainly sounded quite fluent at times!

At the beginning of the Summer Term we took on a few more children from the waiting list to replace those who had moved on or had other commitments which clashed with Beavers. So we are still at 35 YP and continue to be grateful for additional adult help. A small group of Beavers attended St George’s Day at the Leas Cliff Hall. We were very proud when Freddie went up on the stage to collect his Bronze Challenge Award; he had worked incredibly hard to achieve this award!

We began the term with a fantastic session of experiments. The Beavers were very interested and made some excellent predictions as to what would happen. We also got involved in some Coronation craft before moving on to learn about Fairtrade. The Beavers were interested in the concept of Fairtrade and for several weeks after the session would come and tell us that they had seen the fairtrade logo on food at home or in a shop. The Beavers enjoyed the air activities badge work and were able to fly their paper aeroplanes in competition with each other. Some were truly fantastic in flight.  Clare ran an excellent activity night to cover the Gardening badge. Every child took home seeds they had potted and knew how to look after them. They also set up some control pots to see what would happen if any of the vital components were missing.

A small group of Beavers attended Thriftwood Camp and enjoyed every second of it. Some of the activities were quite challenging but every one of them attempted each activity. Clare and myself were very proud of them.

We focussed on sharing/collaboration/teamwork at the beginning of June. These are attributes and skills which the Beavers will use more and more, especially when they move up to Cubs and onwards.  We had a fun session at the Rec. doing Sports. Then we learnt about what items we should pack for a Hike in readiness for a hike the following week. The Beavers did very well on the hike (surprising some of their parents who thought they might not be able to manage it!)

This year we will have awarded over 270 badges to our Beavers. These badges require multi elements to be covered and understood and our Beavers should be rightly proud of their achievements and wear them on their sleeves/jumpers to show everyone else how proud they are. The Leaders are certainly proud of them. Also, thank you again to all the parents who stepped up when we needed you…… you enabled us to extend our programme offer and support our YP’s achievements.





Wow, what a year it has been for Cubs! We’ve had a great year of fun and adventure, whilst learning and earning badges along the way. Some of the big highlights have been meeting Masai Chief Joseph to learn about his tribe and the issues they face with drought in their village/area, a trip to Legoland, a visit to Heaver Castle and a day at Chatham Dockyard. We’ve been on hikes,  had talent evenings, had fun building whacky racers, we even got to play at being politicians and debating the important things like “should leaders get paid?” and “What is the best flavour of crisp?”. More importantly, as a youth shaped organisation, the Cubs have taken a role in helping determine the programme content through our regular Pack forums.

We’ve been joined by more Young Leader’s, who support our programme and take charge of an evening, which helps them to develop their skills in a different way. As always, we have the parents who support us week in, week out and we say “Thank You” to all of you, especially those who have been able to help us out and join us on some of our outdoor activities. We also changed the end of our pack evening, so we invite parents to come and stand behind their Cub, not only to hear any announcements but also to celebrate their child’s successes whether that is being invested or simply achieving a badge.

Long may our adventures continue………

What a fantastic second year for our Squirrels!

It’s been a big year for our section and with not one but two big trips! Our programme has been jam packed with investitures, activities and adventure, and we have enjoyed every minute of it! Most of our evenings have been based on different books. We have protected eggs, learnt about space, made forkies, squished seed bombs and even had a water party! We have tried to get outside more this year, exploring the forest and also using our garden space lots more! We’ve identified trees, gone on bug hunts and even improved our den building skills! Our squirrels have gone home with plenty of artwork and creations we have made this year, and the results have only got better as we’ve got through the year! Some of our squirrels learnt how to write Chinese symbols, while others enjoyed making silhouette remembrance cards in November. (We even made special space telescopes!!) This year we were able to go on not one, but TWO big trips this year! Our first was our Christmas Trail at lower grange farm, where we sorted out letters, made reindeer food, built snowmen and even met Santa! It was a fantastic evening, even if it was a little bit chilly! Our second trip was our first out of county trip with our squirrels, taking us all the way up to Brentwood, Essex! We visited all the sections on their group camp and even got to enjoy some of our own adventures! We were the first squirrels to ever climb at Thriftwood campsite, as well as enjoying the Cresta run, assault course and a campfire with some furry friends! It was an absolutely fantastic day and all the squirrels surprised us so much with their willingness and lack of fear!! We can’t wait for whats to come for our squirrels over the next year. Our squirrels, parents and leaders have made this year so special and I can’t thank everyone enough for their support with our section! Heres to the next year, which will be full of even more adventure, outings and getting messy! Beckie and the Squirrel team 🙂

This scouting year has seen the explorers take on new challenges and develop into a confident group of young people.  

Our explorers have enjoyed the Skywalk at Folkestone Sports Centre, hikes, wide games, scouting skills challenges and learning how to work together in an effective team.  

I believe that the experiences the unit has had are a strong predictor of success in the upcoming year. The number of explorers engaged in the young leader program fills me with immense pride. They are taking the skills they are learning in that role and using them to support less experienced explorers in our unit.  

In the upcoming year the leadership team is making changes in response to feedback from our unit forums to ensure the unit functions to fulfil the ambitions of its members. There will be a renewed focus on badge work and higher level awards to give the young people proof that they are the amazing explorers we know they are. 

We would like to thank all of the explorers for attending our unit and the parents and carers who support and encourage them. Let’s be ready to do it all again next year!  

2023 Annual General Meeting Agenda

Key business 

  1. Welcome & Introductions from the Chair 
  2. Apologies for absence 
  3. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Group Council 
  4. Receive & approve the annual report for the 2022 financial year [Members of the Group Trustee Board are available to answer questions on the report.]
  5. Receive & approve the Financial Statement for the 2022 financial year  [Members of the Group Trustee Board are available to answer questions on the financial statement] 
  6. Receive and approve the resolution of the Trustee Board concerning membership subscriptions from September 2023 to increase membership subscriptions to £15 per month, excluding August. An annual fee of £165.
  1. Receive and adopt the 2023 Constitution for the Group 
  2. Approve the resolution of the 2.2.4 Conduct of meetings section of the Group Governance document (concerning quorums of official meetings – p.4)  Agreed Scout Council quorum: 10 (ten) members plus the Group Scout Leader or their nominee | Agreed Trustee Board and sub-committee quorum: half plus one of the membership of the Trustee Board or sub-committee (total membership, not those in attendance) 

Appointments and elections 

  1. Approval of the Group Scout Leader’s nomination Group Trustee Board Chair 
  2. Election of Group Officers 
  3. Group Treasurer 
  4. Group Secretary 
  5. Election of members from the Group Scout Council to the Group Trustee Board 
  6. Appointment of Independent Examiner for 2023 accounts 
  7. Presentation of Awards 
  8. Close of business 

Group Governance (June 2023)

Constitution & Operating Procedures


Membership Subscriptions

Letter from Trustee Board June 2023
