This scouting year has seen the explorers take on new challenges and develop into a confident group of young people.  

Our explorers have enjoyed the Skywalk at Folkestone Sports Centre, hikes, wide games, scouting skills challenges and learning how to work together in an effective team.  

I believe that the experiences the unit has had are a strong predictor of success in the upcoming year. The number of explorers engaged in the young leader program fills me with immense pride. They are taking the skills they are learning in that role and using them to support less experienced explorers in our unit.  

In the upcoming year the leadership team is making changes in response to feedback from our unit forums to ensure the unit functions to fulfil the ambitions of its members. There will be a renewed focus on badge work and higher level awards to give the young people proof that they are the amazing explorers we know they are. 

We would like to thank all of the explorers for attending our unit and the parents and carers who support and encourage them. Let’s be ready to do it all again next year!  

Category: 2023 Annual Report - Sections