Pancake Challenge

Pancake Challenge We have a challenge for all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. Pancake day is on February 16th this year so why not try making some fantastic creative ones! There are lots of ideas on the internet along with a few interesting ideas here too. Crepe Recipe Ingredients 100g plain flour2 large eggs300ml milk1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil, plus a little extra for frying Method STEP 1Put 100g plain flour, 2 large eggs, 300ml milk, 1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil and a pinch of salt into a bowl or large jug, then whisk to asmooth batter. STEP 2Set aside for 30 mins to rest if you have time, or start cooking straight away. STEP 3Set a medium […]

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Remembrance 2020

Remembrance 2020 2020 Service Usually, we’d be together on Remembrance Sunday sharing in the Folkestone Service. As we can’t do that this year, take a look at this ‘Scouts Own’ about Remembrance made by 50th Wakefield (North Ossett.) Scout Group. Our thanks to them for this wonderful resource.

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***LOCKDOWN 2 SPECIAL*** Weekly update #27

Dear parents and carers I hope you all had a great half term break despite the weather. It certainly went quickly for me! This new term brings with it different challenges to the last with a new lockdown on its way, albeit slightly different this time with schools still open which has created a little uncertainty around Scouting. We’re due to hear from The Scouts nationally any time now, however I met with our team of volunteers over Zoom yesterday and we’ve made some decisions and put a plan in place, regardless of the outcome of the national direction. In a nutshell, I am suspending face to face Scouting once again. I’ve done this to protect our members and do […]

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GSLs Weekly Challenge #6

We know that not everyone can come back to their section meeting each week due to the numbers restrictions we have to adhere to. So, to keep everyone involved, I’ll be setting a weekly taskmaster challenge, courtesy of South London Scouts, for all sections to try. Have a go and don’t forget to share with us using the form at the bottom of the page. -Craig, Group Scout Leader

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GSLs Weekly Challenge #5

We know that not everyone can come back to their section meeting each week due to the numbers restrictions we have to adhere to. So, to keep everyone involved, I’ll be setting a weekly taskmaster challenge, courtesy of South London Scouts, for all sections to try. Have a go and don’t forget to share with us using the form at the bottom of the page. -Craig, Group Scout Leader

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GSLs Weekly Challenge #4

We know that not everyone can come back to their section meeting each week due to the numbers restrictions we have to adhere to. So, to keep everyone involved, I’ll be setting a weekly taskmaster challenge, courtesy of South London Scouts, for all sections to try. Have a go and don’t forget to share with us using the form at the bottom of the page. -Craig, Group Scout Leader

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