My.SCOUT Hints & tips #2

Continuing our weekly series on getting the most out of My.SCOUT to make Scouting even easier. today: Data Protection Keeping data safe is very important to us. Part of our legal obligations are keeping data up to date as well. My.SCOUT helps us with this greatly by allowing parents and carers to log in to the system at any time and update contact details – including emergency contact details (more on that in a minute) – and permissions. What can you do? Regularly log in and check the personal details section of My.SCOUT. You’ll need to enter your young person’s date of birth just to make sure it’s you. If it doesn’t work, send us an email as the date […]

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My.SCOUT Hints and tips #1

My.SCOUT is an incredibly useful and time saving tool for the leaders, and we hope it is for you at home as well. This series of posts will share some top tips and hints to help you get the most out of it in bite size installments. today: My.SCOUT or OSM You might hear us talking about My.SCOUT or OSM or Online Scout Manager. It’s all one and the same, but the part that parents use is called My.SCOUT. Whenever we are talking about logging into the system, we’re talking about the parent side – My.SCOUT. You can access your area through the personalised link from any personalised email that is system generated (the monthly direct debit email, any event […]

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