Group Facebook Page

Facebook We use Facebook as a great means of passing on important or urgent information, sharing some of the great activities and events the young people get up to and as a forum for discussions. It is a closed group, so we only allow appropriate people to join – parents, carers, older Scouts and Explorers and past members and friends. We don’t just accept anyone and it is sometimes difficulty to work out a connection between a young person in the Group and the person making a request through Facebook to join the Facebook Group. We therefore ask that before requesting to join the Facebook Group, parents/carers first contact us through the website so we know you’re a genuine user. […]

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St. George’s Day 2017

Annual St. George’s Day Service & Parade – celebrating all the good work that Scouting does and the achievement of its members in the Folkestone & Hythe District. This event is for all members of the Group from Beavers to Explorers and leaders and supporters as well as parents/carers. When is it:          23rd April 2017 Where is it:        Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone Timings: 10.45 Meet at the Leas Cliff Lift 11.00 – 11555 Service 12.15 – 12.45 Parade Uniform: it is a uniformed event, full, smart and correct required for all. Parents: are invited to stay and join us in the service (seated in the galleries) entering the hall by the main entrance. Chief Scout’s Awards and adult awards […]

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