Wow, what a year it has been for Cubs! We’ve had a great year of fun and adventure, whilst learning and earning badges along the way. Some of the big highlights have been meeting Masai Chief Joseph to learn about his tribe and the issues they face with drought in their village/area, a trip to Legoland, a visit to Heaver Castle and a day at Chatham Dockyard. We’ve been on hikes,  had talent evenings, had fun building whacky racers, we even got to play at being politicians and debating the important things like “should leaders get paid?” and “What is the best flavour of crisp?”. More importantly, as a youth shaped organisation, the Cubs have taken a role in helping determine the programme content through our regular Pack forums.

We’ve been joined by more Young Leader’s, who support our programme and take charge of an evening, which helps them to develop their skills in a different way. As always, we have the parents who support us week in, week out and we say “Thank You” to all of you, especially those who have been able to help us out and join us on some of our outdoor activities. We also changed the end of our pack evening, so we invite parents to come and stand behind their Cub, not only to hear any announcements but also to celebrate their child’s successes whether that is being invested or simply achieving a badge.

Long may our adventures continue………

Category: 2023 Annual Report - Sections