AGM2022-Group Scout Leader’s Report

Welcome Section Reports Squirrels Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers The charity Minutes of the 2021 AGM Structure & governance Objectives & activities Committee Accounts What a great year it’s been! The scouts have enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and enjoying the local area. We have taken a few hikes up the hills and also played games down on the beach. It’s been fantastic to see the Scouts putting their new skills into practise, planning routes and navigating with maps. Using maps further we located contour lines and then created our own scaled down models of the hills. We have a very creative bunch of scouts this year and they have demonstrated their talents in a variety of ways such […]

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AGM2022-Scouts Report

Welcome Section Reports Squirrels Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers The charity Minutes of the 2021 AGM Structure & governance Objectives & activities Committee Accounts What a great year it’s been! The scouts have enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and enjoying the local area. We have taken a few hikes up the hills and also played games down on the beach. It’s been fantastic to see the Scouts putting their new skills into practise, planning routes and navigating with maps. Using maps further we located contour lines and then created our own scaled down models of the hills. We have a very creative bunch of scouts this year and they have demonstrated their talents in a variety of ways such […]

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AGM2022-Explorers Report

Welcome Section Reports Squirrels Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers The charity Minutes of the 2021 AGM Structure & governance Objectives & activities Committee Accounts Ben & the Explorer volunteer team

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AGM2022-Cubs Report

Welcome Section Reports Squirrels Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers The charity Minutes of the 2021 AGM Structure & governance Objectives & activities Committee Accounts Well, what a year it has been. We started the year on Zoom, holding quizzes, getting crafty with recycling as well as online visits from unusual animals and even the Army Air Corps. As the year went on, we got back to normal, being outdoors as much as possible but even when it rained the Cubs weren’t put off. From Hikes, beach cleans, shelter building to trips to Clip ‘n’ Climb at Dover where even the leaders got to have a go 😊 We welcomed Keneu (Jack) back from Uni and Kaa (Max) to the leadership team, […]

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AGM2022-Beavers Report

Welcome Section Reports Squirrels Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers The charity Minutes of the 2021 AGM Structure & governance Objectives & activities Committee Accounts The Beavers have been so pleased to get back to face to face scouting this past year. They have worked hard, had fun, made new friends and learnt new things. The Beaver colony is currently running with thirty young people (6-8 years old) and we have a waiting list of children eager to join us. This year we have also welcomed children who have been through Squirrels and wish to continue their Scouting Journey with the Beavers. Over this year the Young People have worked on achieving the elements for eleven badges and in doing so have […]

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