Well, what a year it has been. We started the year on Zoom, holding quizzes, getting crafty with recycling as well as online visits from unusual animals and even the Army Air Corps.

As the year went on, we got back to normal, being outdoors as much as possible but even when it rained the Cubs weren’t put off. From Hikes, beach cleans, shelter building to trips to Clip ‘n’ Climb at Dover where even the leaders got to have a go 😊

We welcomed Keneu (Jack) back from Uni and Kaa (Max) to the leadership team, which enabled us to do more with the Cubs. We also had great support from parents with outdoor activities, so a big thank you to all who helped.

We love seeing the young people grow and develop skills from the activities we do. The adventure is just as much fun for the leader’s as it is for the Cubs. So, thanks for everything so far and long may the adventures continue.

Ian & the Cub volunteer team