Where does that badge go?

Not sure where that latest badge goes that your young person has just earned? Below is a handy guide for the placement of all the badges they could earn. Click the picture to make it bigger.

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How you can support us

We know everyone has a skill, hobby or interest we can use at Scouts and anytime you can offer to help out is awesome. You can volunteer as little or as much as you like, we’re super flexible. Interested? Speak to one of the leaders about the different tasks we need support with at each meeting. If you could help us out once or twice a term, it’ll make a big difference.  

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Your child will take part in a wide range of great activities which will help them to have a go and learn new skills achieving reward stickers as they go! We believe that young people learn by doing, so our programme has a wide range of activities, which involves and challenges young people of all abilities. You can expect your child to get invovled in: • Scavenger hunts • Cooking • Crafts • Exploring the community they live in • And many more………

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How does Squirrels work?

Each meeting follows the same routine to support young people to feel confident during the session. Opening ceremony  – young people are welcomed into the group, self sign in and sing a song to start the meeting. Story – The story is an essential part of the Squirrel programme. Literacy is incredibly important at this age and the story sets up the theme for the meeting. Activity – The story sets up the weeks activity. The activity is planned to last around 20-30 minutes and makes up the bulk of the meeting. The activity is based on the meeting badge, programme theme and related to the meeting outcomes. Game – Each meeting has a game that relates to the meeting outcomes. We […]

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Data protection for families

Scouts processes the personal data of you (as a parent) and your child (including sensitive data) on our membership databases; this includes your data if you become a volunteer. This data’s shared between your local group and Scouts UK HQ. Information Scouts holds about you and your child may include the following: name and contact details details of any youth badges and awards details of Scouts events and activities you’ve taken part in details of next of kin or parents details (in the case of youth members) age/date of birth details of any health conditions details about your role(s) in Scouts Further optional personal data may also be processed to assist Scouts in monitoring its impact, such as: race or […]

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What do Squirrel’s do?

Squirrels programmes are based around six themes, with a range of activities and games aimed at the age group. Adventure – Learn a new skill, push yourself to try new things and have a great time doing it. Adventure is all about learning about yourself through fun and exciting activities. Creativity – Get crafty, being creative is about more than art, explore your creative self through mindful activities and sharing how you see your world. Helping others – What makes us Scouts? Helping others is an essential skill of scouting, we share our experiences with others and help others to make the world a better place. Outdoors– Get your walking boots on and get outside, outdoors is all about spending time outside and […]

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