Test & Trace have asked for details of Scouts, what do I do?

Updated 30/08/2021 If Test & Trace contact you and ask who your young person has been in contact with, please remember us! They’ll ask for details of who to contact at Scouts. Please give them the following details: Craig Ward (Group Scout Leader – the volunteer manager of the Group) Mobile: 07537 149309 Phone: 01303 720270 Please make sure it’s my details you give, not the section leaders. Please also reiterate when talking to them that Craig was not necessarily a close contact, but is the person to speak to for details of those who were close contacts! This is really important that they understand.

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What happens if someone else has to self isolate?

  Currently, if a member of our Group is required to self isolate (either because they have been directed to by school or by the NHS) then they won’t be able to come to any section meetings. If they have to self isolate after a section meeting because of school or being told to by the NHS, test and trace may contact us. If they contact us to advise us of this, I will follow their guidance as to the next steps. I will give them contact details of any member present at the meeting concerned and they will contact members where necessary. Because we are enforcing the 2 meter social distancing rule, current guidance we have received suggests that the risk […]

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Does my young person need to wear uniform?

  Updated: 30/08/2021 Now we’re heading back to normality, yes please. Please see each sections webpage if you’re not sure what the uniform is.

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What should I do if my child or family have symptoms?

  Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, or who has been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms (within the last two weeks), shouldn’t come to any face-to-face activities, and should follow government guidelines on self-isolation and testing. Please get in touch with Craig.

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What will my child have to do?

Updated: 30/08/2021 To keep everyone safe, we are asking for all young people and volunteers to: Wash hands thoroughly before coming to the venue Follow Our keeping safe code Wash you hands with the provided anti-bacterial hand wash Listen to the leader’s briefing each week carefully Wash you hands with the provided anti-bacterial hand wash before leaving

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Can I volunteer?

Updated: 30/08/2021 We’d love your support! Please speak to your section leader if you’re interested in supporting us or if you see the ‘parent help needed’ bubble appear in Parent Portal, click the button!

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