First night nerves!

  So, you’ve had the message – ‘It’s time to start Beavers/Cubs/Scouts/Explorers’. How exciting! We’re looking forward to meet you and your young person, but I’m sure there are those first time nerves. for both you and your young person Hopefully we can help by letting you know the practicalities of the the first meeting, what to do, what to expect, etc.      

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Local structure Scout Groups, Districts, CountiesĀ  The basic unit of organisation is the Scout Group. This is based in a local community and usually consists of Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Some Groups are larger or smaller depending on where they are located. Our Group has one Beaver Colony, one Cub Pack, one Scout Troop and one Explorer Unit. A number of Groups in a certain locality constitute a Scout District. A number of Districts make up a County. All of these Scout units (Groups, Districts, Counties/Areas/Regions) are governed by the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association, which provides the framework in which all Scout units operate. The Scout Group Within a Scout Group, there […]

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Update your information

From this page you can update your My.SCOUT email address or request access to our Group page on Facebook. If you need to update any other membership details for you or your young person, please log in to your My.SCOUT account, using the link in any of the emails the system has sent you. You can create a direct account in My.SCOUT (but please bear in mind this account is automatically deleted every time your young person moves section – unfortunately we have no way around this ‘quirk’). [Form id=”11″] [Form id=”12″]

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Admission Policy We want to offer skills for life to everyone that asks, however, from time to time, we have insufficient capacity to accept everyone as soon as they request to join. Where this is the case we operate a joining policy that we think is fair to all. 1) This policy applies to the admission of children to 11th Folkestone Beaver, Cub Scout, Scout & Explorer Scout Sections. 2) Scout Policy, Organisation & Rules (POR) does not stipulate an admissions policy for child members of the movement beyond the following: a) Young People must be between ages 5Ā¾ and 18 years (PoR Section 3) b) Admissions are open to males and females (PoR Section 3.1) c) The decision to […]

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