What do I wear?

  Comfortable clothes that you don’t mind possibly getting a little bit dirty. We are often outside or using paints or other messy craft items, so don’t wear anything brand new or precious. Trainers are great and in the winter months please do bring a coat as we may be heading out for some of the meeting. You can see what we’re planning to do each week by looking at the front page of our website and scrolling down to the programme section.

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Then what?

  Come back a little bit before the end of the meeting time and come back into the hall. They’ll often be tea/coffee that you are very welcome to help yourself too. We’ll only let Beavers & Cubs leave the hall if we can see an adult to collect them, so please do come in. Hopefully we’ll then see you next week and everything will be a little less scary!

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What do parents do now?

  You are very welcome to stay and watch for as long as you like – a few minutes or the entire evening, it’s up to you. We do recommend leaving the older young people a bit quicker as this really does usually help them settle. We know it can be a bit disconcerting for parents though, so we do understand!

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Getting involved

  ‘Newbies’ will usually be buddied up with another young person who’s been around for a while. We try to match people that the newbie may know from school or goes to the same school where possible. If there are a large number of newbies, leaders will often run an activity and encourage them to join in together.

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The paperwork

  You’ll be greeted and the leader will introduce themselves and some of the other leaders. They’ll ask parents to complete a few bits of information on our joining paperwork and then they’ll sort out the young person and get them involved in the programme.

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The first steps

You’ll walk into the shop area first. Head through the shop and turn left into the ‘airlock’. You can then head straight into the main hall. This area can be busy, so don’t worry, just head to the other end. Come into the main hall and you’ll see the reception desk to the right. They’ll be a leader (one of our volunteer adults) waiting here to greet you.

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