Dear parents & carers

I hope everyone had a good St George’s day? I don’t think we’ve ever had a Scouting celebration of St George’s Day that has lasted so long – from Thursday to Sunday. All very exciting stuff.

It was great to see so many of our members and other Scouts from across the District, County and country showing off their uniform to the world, celebrating the fantastic efforts of our key workers and renewing their promise on Thursday evening.

If you managed to attend the Kent Scouts virtual St George’s Day parade on Sunday, I hope you caught the efforts of 11th Folkestone. Our Pass it on video featured, as did the fantastic junk modelling picture from one of our Cubs showing a NHS nurse caring for a poorly toy. Well done 11th Folkestone.

St George’s day is also when we publicly acknowledge the achievements of our members. This year should be no different.

Our congratulations go to:




in Beavers for achieving their Chief Scout’s Bronze Award



in Cubs for achieving their Chief Scout’s Silver Award.

Also, I’d like to congratulate and thank the following in recognition of being awarded the Chief Scout’s 5 years service award:

Sarah Marshall – Trustee

Pete Woodsford – Scout Section Assistant and Trustee

Well done everyone and carry on Scouting!

Please do keep on trying the activities on our website and if you do, remember to share with us so we can update badge records. We’ve got loads to award when we finally do get back, so please keep on sending things in.

Don’t forget our Annual General Meeting on 12th May. Add it to your diary!

That’s it from me this week. Take care and hopefully we’ll see everyone soon.

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader