Dear parents and carers

I haven’t written for quite some time as I really haven’t had much to say (I know, very unusual for me!). Zoom sessions have been continuing and I’ve been really pleased to see so many young people joining in on those sessions. We’ve had a few visitors to our Zoom sessions over the past few weeks with one more visit (that I know of!) to come for the Cubs.

All that said, I have some good news everyone! We’re allowed back to face to face meetings very soon. From week beginning 19th April – directly after the school Easter holiday, we’ll be back to seeing each other in person. We’ll still be limited to 15 young people and a maximum of 5 adults, at least for a while longer, but it’s a start. The risk assessments are just being updated with a few tweaks, but nothing will have changed from your point of view. We will need to return to the invites being accepted via the Online Scout Manager links sent to you each week and most sections will be operating a two week alternating programme due to numbers – at least to begin with, however your section leaders will let you know more about that.

The most important place for you to visit each week will be the Getting Back Together Safely webpage on our website: which tell you everything you need to know. Some weeks will be indoors at the HQ, others will be out and about, but please check the email invite and webpage carefully. Once again, we won’t be able to accept any young person on an evening if they haven’t signed up via the OSM invite by the deadline date as we will endeavour to fill the spaces to ensure everyone gets as much time Scouting as possible. Please, as before, do not put us in the position of having to turn your young person away as it upsetting for all concerned.

The second bit of good news is that the trustees have unanimously agreed to keep subs at £6 per month until the end of July – even if all restrictions are lifted and we get back to full on Scouting. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to thank you all once again for your support and understanding in the continuation of paying subs which has really helped keep the pressure off our finances and allowed us to complete the planned and much needed safety and comfort projects at the HQ.

So, finally a good news week. As always, please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Look out for emails from your section leaders with the specifics about your section’s return and if I don’t see you before, have a great Easter.

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader


Don’t forget about our Keeping Safe Code for the return to face to face Scouting.

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