Dear parents and carers

Another week passes and I hope if your young person is a Beaver or a Cub they were excited as my Beaver Scout when they saw their little parcel of things on the door mat today (or maybe last Saturday). If we had your address as of last Wednesday evening, the packs were sent out, so I hope you’ve either got it or it will arrive tomorrow morning! If you don’t get one, please please check your address on Online Scout Manager and update it – the system tells me as soon as you have and records all changes, so I’ll know it’s been updated and be able to get one out to asap.

It occurred to us after the fact that the package contained no explanation as to what it was – just a bunch of envelopes with crosses on them. If it’s not too late, please don’t open the envelopes – the leaders running each evening will let you know which envelop to open. No problem if it’s already opened… I really should have thought about putting a note in! Ooops.

This week, I’m really pleased to be able to share some good news I received over the past week. I’ve always said our leaders and the rest to the team of volunteers are fab and this was brought home to me again this week with the amount of adult awards that have been made from headquarters.

Leaders have to do certain training and work towards an award called a Wood Badge. This is really challenging but shows the level of commitment to their volunteering and makes sure Scouting is kept safe. It can take about three years to get to the award, so I’m really pleased to say congratulations and well done to the following team members:

Ian Marshall – Cub Scout Leader (this is his second wood badge, you have to do one for every role you hold!)

Rebecca Ingelbrecht – Assistant Scout Leader

Alistair Sutton – Deputy Group Scout Leader

The Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, also sends his thanks to all volunteers and recognises everything they do with a certificate and badge every five years. I’m please to say the following volunteers have received a Chief Scouts Service Award this year:

Abby Sutton, Executive Committee Member – 5 years

Steve Fairfax, Group Chair – 15 years

Congratulations to them and thank you for your ongoing support of our Group.

Everything else with the Group seems to be continuing on well. I hope everyone is enjoying the activities as best they can.

That’s all from me this week. Take care and stay safe.


Best wishes


Group Scout Leader



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