Weekly update #3

Dear parents/carers

Another week passes and I continue to be amazed at the efforts and attitude of our members as we progress through these challenging times.

Firstly, I was so humbled with the response from last week’s email. I know financially times are tough for many, so a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who contacted me to offer their support and encouragement surrounding subs and keeping the Group running. Rest assured, we (the trustees!) will continue to review the situation regularly and will update you accordingly. I have made the adjustment to the subs direct debits as detailed last week. As always, please contact us if you have any issues with subs.

Next, have you seen the new activities on the website/Facebook group? If you haven’t, or you (and your young people) are at a loose end, may I recommend the video made for us by Karl – or Captain Higgles as he’s known in aviation circles – our friendly house pilot. He was supposed to visit the Beavers to talk about being a pilot as all of this craziness happened so we asked him to make a few minutes of video to tell us instead. As you’ll see, what we got back was a production of epic proportions with humour and silliness as well as being informative (it was also made before we had to remain at home!). If you look carefully, you can even see the HQ over Capt. Higgles’ shoulder as he flies over Folkestone. Take a few minutes to watch it! Can you see your house?


The online meetings are growing in popularity, with more young people in Cubs, Scouts and Explorers joining in. If you’re able, please do encourage your young people to join us for these sessions. We’re not sure this same format is quite as suitable for Beavers, but we’re looking at options to support them. Hopefully, the Beavers have enjoyed the Air Activities Badge – it certainly looks that way with the messages we’ve received!

Now, one for the family. We’re looking to run a live family fun night quiz. No leaving your house, but everyone in the household can join in with, no webcam/microphone needed, just an internet connection and the ability to stream our Facebook Live/YouTube question master and answer the questions using a form on our website. A bit of fun and change to the routine plus you could be crowned 11th Folkestone’s FIRST EVER top virtual quiz team! If this sounds like something you’d like to join in with, can you please hop over to our Facebook group and let us know on the poll – we wouldn’t want to stream to no one!

Thank you for all the messages, photos and videos sent in so far, please do keep them coming and I’ll write again next week.

Keep safe and carry on Scouting!

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader


Remote Scouting

Share your remote scouting activities with us using the form on the bottom of each remote scouting page on the website or email us on remotescouting@11th.org.uk