Dear parents and carers

I hope week 2 of this lockdown finds you all well?

Scouts this week has continued with all sections online and many young people enjoying meeting up with their new sections and leaders. We saw some great Remembrance tributes from all sections, thank you for sharing.

These dreaded resource packs we’re trying to send out to members have become the bane of my life! They’re all ready to go, but as this is the first time we’ve really done a mass mail out to our members, we’ve realised that our address records for everyone are a mess! We’re missing so many addresses, or addresses are in different boxes meaning that we can’t really send out the packs as yet. I want to get them in the post on Friday, so please can I ask everyone to log on to Parent Portal (use any of the system generated emails with the link or directly at, go to Personal Details and update the address information in Primary Contact 1. This is the address we will use to send the pack to. At the top of the page should be a button asking you to confirm the details are correct – please click this once the info is up to date.

Please can I ask that this is done by Wednesday, 8pm so I can get the address labels printed and everything ready for the postie. Thank you for your help with this – the resulting pack will be well worth your time as your young person will have everything they need for the programmes for the rest of the year.

That’s it from me for another week. Take care and best wishes.



Group Scout Leader


WEBSITE EXTRA: Watch Ed (the creator of OSM and a Scout Leader) show you how to update personal details…

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