Dear parents and carers


So, our first week back to virtual Scouting has been and gone and seems to have been a success. As I thought, nationally The Scouts instructed the closing of all Groups for face to face Scouting from last Thursday so I am pleased we were prepared and managed to provide a good programme for all our sections. Thank you so much for the messages of support sent to the team and to me – they really help us and stop some of the worry about whether we are doing the right thing or not.

This week the online adventures continue. Keep a look out for the Zoom details sent out as Events by email. I had hoped to have boxes of resources speeding their way to you by today, however some of the orders we made have yet to arrive and we haven’t sourced everything we wanted to send you, so they will be delayed a little. We will get them to you, but it’s a good time to check we have the correct address for you in Parent Portal.

Thank you for the great photos we’ve been sent of the young people (and adults!) joining in with the various Remembrance activities yesterday. I know sections have a few more things planned around Remembrance over this coming week.

Speaking of parents joining in, a request has come in for another family quiz similar to the one we did at the start of all this back in May. I’m pleased to say we will indeed be holding another quiz once again – as soon as I find the willing victim volunteer(s) to be the grand question master. I’ll keep you updated with a date as soon as we sort it.

Again, thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader


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