Dear parents and carers

This week sees us make it to half term. One term of a strange normal down. Thanks to everyone, parents, young people and our leadership team, for making the return as smooth and safe as it has been. It’s been great to see the young people back in action and enjoy a programme – even if it has been a bit odd!

As we get to the natural break that is half term, we’ll be talking with parents of those young people who are at the right age (or just a bit over now!) to move on to the next section. We’ve held off for a while to help everyone settle back in before making that sometimes daunting change to a new section, with new leaders, new friends and new routines. Usually we would do a couple of weeks where the young person attends both their old and new section to help them settle in, however we obviously can’t do that at the moment. Section leaders will be in touch this week or next with those that we are hoping will move on to explain the arrangements and introduce themselves.

To end this term, the Cub section are holding a special presentation evening tonight, with several Chief Scout’s Silver Awards to present – the highest award possible in the Cub section, that takes a lot of work to achieve and even more so when you have to work on it from home and not at Cubs for so long! So congratulations and well done to them and the other young people receiving awards tonight – they’ll be a full list of the worthy recipients on the website after tonight.

There won’t be a newsletter from me next week (I’ll be leaving you in peace for a week you’ll be glad to know I’m sure!), so do have a great half term and we’ll see you all soon next term. Remember, keep checking the website for changes and news and if anything changes in the meantime I will be back in touch.

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader




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