Dear parents and carers

Another week goes by and all is going well as we head towards half term.

Trustees have discussed the subs situation once again and have agreed that while we’re meeting in a sporadic form, we’ll continue to keep subs at the reduced rate of £6 per member per month for November and December. We’ll keep this under review and let you know about January onwards well before the end of this year.

On the topic of subs, if your account is not up to date, we’d really appreciate it if this is either brought up to date or you get in touch with us. If you no longer wish to keep your place, please let us know so we can offer it to someone else. If you’d rather not return until we’re back to normal (back at green), again please let us know so we don’t keep hassling you and can make sure your space is offered to other members each week.

If you’d like to check your subs payments, log in to Parent Portal and click on the Payments tab. You can review payments, make a payment and see the future payments due. While you’re there, double check personal details and that all important Emergency Contact (a different person to contact 1 or contact 2) box.

Last thing this week is a reminder to check the website before every meeting to make sure you have all the info you need. Also, a quick reminder about not arriving too early for any meeting – a few minutes is fine, but any more than that and we have seen a large gathering of waiting people which we can’t have. Your support in this is greatly appreciated.

As always, please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns not covered by website or other communications.

Have a good and safe week.

Best wishes



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