Dear parents and carers

Well, we’re so very nearly there…. Tuesday marks the return of the first section to face to face Scouting since March with Cubs Bubble 1 meeting at Jock’s Pitch on the East Cliff above the Warren.

We had a bit of a wobble in the week with the Government’s change to the rules and sizes of groups, however, The Scouts quickly received clarification from the National Youth Agency confirming we were exempt as a voluntary service offering after school clubs for children with a ‘Covid Secure’ approach to returning to face to face activities. Great news!

Just a few quick reminders from me:

  • You’re going to get (or already have had!) quite a few emails from the section teams about returning – please do read them carefully. While this is all going on we do need to make sure every activity is ‘pre-booked’ so you will need to follow the link from the emails to parent portal to tell us if you’re coming or not. If you don’t ‘book’ beforehand, we will have to turn you away which will be upsetting for all concerned. Please don’t put us in that position.


  • If you haven’t already, please visit parent portal, login and check your personal details are correct – in the event something goes wrong and we have to liaise with NHS Test & Trace, we will need accurate details.


  • Visit our Getting everyone back together safely webpage regularly. It has all the dos and don’ts and hopefully will answer most of your questions. At the bottom of the page is also an interactive map that will show where the meeting places we are using around the town actually are.


  • Please, please be prompt with the arrival and departure times and remember to socially distance when dropping off/picking up. The email for the event will be clear about the arrangements, but we need to do our bit to ensure it goes smoothly and everyone is kept as safe as possible.

If you need any help at all with anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

That’s it for me this week – hopefully next week I’ll be able to share the successes of our sections return to meetings for the 2020-2021 academic year!

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader

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