Dear parents and carers

Update number 14 – incredible! I hope you’re all OK and enjoying the increased freedoms we’re now seeing as the lock down is slowly lifted.

There has been a real flurry of activity form our members over the past week or so, with examples of some great Scouting at home coming in. Although it’s primarily for Beavers, all our members could have a go at the new Make and Do with Holly on our website if they want to give it a go – Holly is making a chocolate mug cake this week. I had a go, but judging by the results, I can’t have been listening to Holly instructions properly as it looked nothing like hers! I hope you have more luck than me!

Over the past 14 weeks our trustees have been working hard to find alternative funding streams to cover the continued running costs of the centre and repayment of the building project without having to increase membership subscriptions. I’m pleased to say that we have been quite successful and still have a few more ‘pokers in the fire’ on this. We’d really like a bit of help from our members to say thank you to funders like the Co-operative Foundation who have been brilliant in supporting us through this time. Remember the ‘pass it on’ video we made? We’d like to make a ‘thank you’ version where each clip is a different member wearing their necker simply saying ‘thank you’. We’ll then edit it together and send it to the various funders/supporters. If you could take part, and would be happy to have your young person included in the video shared with external funders, please make the clip and send it to us using the share with us form on the bottom of every remote Scouting post on our website and at the bottom of this post. Ideally, please film it in landscape mode. We really appreciate your help with this.

Our plans for a return to face to face Scouting continue to develop so we’ll be as ready as possible as soon as we get the nod from HQ. I’m planning to put together a helpful parent handbook to give you all the information you need to get back, hopefully making the transition to a return to normal(ish) as easy and straightforward as possible. As soon as this is finalised and we have a concrete date to return, I’ll share it with you in plenty of time.

That’s it from me for another week – keep on Scouting!

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader




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