Dear parents & carers 

Hello from me again. Thank you to Alistair for taking over for me last week – work, meetings and moving house all ganged up on us and time disappeared! 

I know many of our young people will have started back at school or will be starting shortly. I hope it went well and they enjoyed (or trust they will enjoy) their time back with some of their friends and teachers. We really hope that we’ll be seeing everyone again soon – we’re still working on an assumed September return date, but we do have to wait until national HQ tell us we can come back. The risk assessment and preparations are coming along nicely, so I’m confident we’ll be ready as soon as the word is given! 

It continues to be great to see all the activities going on, Cubs have been particularly active over the last week with challenges galore. One of my favourite comments from a parent so far was that their young person couldn’t reach their bed properly to make it everyday to complete one of the challenges, so instead they suggested that their young person make the parent’s bed daily instead… genius! 😉 

I said a few weeks ago that we would like to get some dates with you for big events coming up. There are less than I hoped as we’ve been notified this last week that a couple of events for next year have already been cancelled or postponed. I can let you know a really important date to keep free (assuming we’re back to normal-ish by then) of Saturday 21st November for our 100th Birthday party and Annual Awards Gala. We’ll be looking at the timings closer to the time and will base those on the needs at the time for social distancing, etc. Other than that, I don’t have any other dates as yet! 

Weekly meetings for Cubs, Scouts and Explorers continue on Zoom, which is great. I just wanted to make sure that if you are joining us for these meetings and using the Zoom app, please make sure it is updated to the latest version (version 5 on PC). This means we are using the best level of security to keep everyone safe while online. 

Beavers have been set another round of challenges on our website. These all count towards their badge work, so please do keep sharing. The Beaver team are also working on another Make and Do (Blue Peter style) with Holly, so keep your eye on the website and Facebook group for that. 

That’s it from me – short and sweet. 

Stay safe and best wishes. 


Group Scout Leader 


 PS Apologies – wrote the above and then forgot to post it! Only thing to add for weekly update #13 is to keep an eye out for the Beaver & Cub Fundays – see the remote scouting pages for the sections for full details – they promise to be excellent!