Dear Parents and Carers,

A big hello from me, for the first time during this lockdown period and since we stopped meeting face to face 11 weeks ago!

I have been asked to send out this weeks’ update due to commitments Craig has with his County Scouting role and Work, leaving him a bit short on time.

I thought that this week would be a good opportunity to reflect on the faultless effort that is being put in by the leaders to ensure Scouting is still available to our Young People.  As well as all of the amazing entries that have been made to the website of the work that your young people have been doing at home.

We have seen a lot of different activities this week from all of our sections.  My favourite being the drumming workshop lead by Max.  It saw both leaders and young people bashing and tapping away at their pots and pans and was fantastic fun to watch.

Beavers have been hard at work completing their ‘Beaver Challenge List’.  Many of our young people have also been following along with Holly in her Make and Do videos, so a big thank you to Holly for taking the time to create them for us.  Having seen many of the efforts of the young people, I have to say, I think they’re doing better than me!

The Cubs have been completing a wide range of activities set by Akela, Bagheera and The Doctor! We have seen them running around their house on scavenger hunts to try and be the first to find an item during the weekly Zoom meetings.  To also seeing the more creative side of the young people through their participation in the SECAmb competition to create a piece of artwork that represents the hard-working NHS – which could potentially be featured on the side of one of 12 ambulances across Kent.

The Scouts move into their 4th week of using the activity packs that were made up by the leaders and delivered to each of the young people at home.  This has seen them building towers out of toothpicks and Haribo, planting and maintaining their own toilet roll tube gardens and giving potatoes faces!

Lastly, our Explorer Section who have also been meeting every week via the Groups Zoom account to catch up, discuss hot topics, a little politics whilst also learning skills such as map reading and sign language.

Don’t forget that if your young person has completed one of the activities we would love to see! Take a few snaps or a short video and upload them to our website.  Each time you upload your young person completing the activities it means not only do we get to see their hard work, but we are also able to keep our badge records up to date.  You can upload to the website via the form at the bottom of each activity description!

I think you as parents and carers of our young people can agree that our volunteers are going above and beyond to ensure that Scouting can still run in our area.  Their commitment during even times like these are what makes me personally proud to be a part of 11th Folkestone.

So, although we are still yet to get any confirmation as to when we can start meeting again face to face, at least we know that there are a lot more activities and challenges to look forward to!

That’s all from me, thank you for reading.  Take care and hopefully we will see you all very soon.

Best Wishes


Assistant Group Scout Leader