Annual General Meeting 2022

Minutes Pro forma

1. Welcome and introductions from the deputy chair·         Group trustees for previous year·         District Commissioner: Tony Hogben
2. Apologies for absence Note any: Maite Last – Treasurer Abbey Sutton – Trustee Steve Fairfax – Group Chair
3. Acceptance of the minutes from the previous meeting. Proposed: Steve Fairfax
Seconded: Craig Ward
4. Receive & adopt the annual report Proposed: Steve Fairfax
Seconded: Craig Ward
5. Receive & adopt the financial report Proposed: Maite Last
Seconded: Steve Fairfax
Group Deputy Chair and all trustees retire from post at this point. GSL assumes chair.
6. Approval of the GSLs nomination for Group Chair: Steve Fairfax Nominated: Group Scout Leader
Approved (show of voting slips)
Group Chair reappointed and resumes chair of AGM.
7i. Election of Group Officers: Maite Last (Treasurer) Proposed: Steve Fairfax
Seconded: Craig Ward
7ii. Election of Group Officers: Karen Ingelbrecht (Secretary) Proposed: Craig Ward
Seconded: Amanda Sutton
8i. Election of Group Trustees: Amanda Sutton Abbey Sutton Sarah Marshall Pete Woodsford Proposed: Craig Ward
Seconded: Alistair Sutton
8ii. Group Scout Leader’s nominations to the Trustee Board: Seconded by Ian Marshall Edward Hogben
8iii. Section Leaders who have opted in: Rebecca Ingelbrecht Ian Marshall Kate Ward
9. Appointment of Independent Examiner (scrutineer):Amanda Campbell Bookkeeping Services, Folkestone Proposed: Amanda Sutton
Seconded: Alistair Sutton
10. Presentation of Awards. Group Scout Leader lead the presentation of awards.
10i. District Commissioner words: DC spoke of the excellent work of the Group, thanked all volunteer and parents and presented awards. Group Chair thanked everyone for attending and appealed for more leaders in all section as we have waiting lists. More leaders mean more children can participate.
11. Close of business.

Category: 2023 Annual Report