We will be collecting money for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in Folkestone town centre on Saturday 10th November. The Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are all invited to come along to sell poppies and help raise as much money as possible for this fantastic cause!

As you may know Remembrance Sunday this year will be on the 11th which means that the 10th is the last day of the appeal and is set to be a busy one. That means that it would be great to have as many young people as possible giving up some of their time.

All we are asking for is an hour from the Beavers and Cubs, and an hour and a half from Scouts and Explorers. Shifts will run from 10am until 4pm and your young person will be allocated a shift on the rota which will be sent out in a couple of weeks time.

We will be meeting in Bouverie Place (Opposite EE and Peacocks) where you will find a Poppy Appeal stall. We would like everyone to come in top half of uniform but also bring a coat as it can get very cold standing there for an hour and a drink may also be a good idea.

Check My.SCOUT and sign up.