Welcome to our new Beaver Colony 

Opening very soon…


Everything you need to know about our invite only Beaver trial should be right here. Take a look around!

All our volunteer leaders are fully trained, have a current DBS, regularly refresh safeguarding and safety knowledge and hold a First Aid qualification. Find out more about our safeguarding procedures here.

Log into Parent Portal

See what badges and awards your young person has achieved, check your account and details, tell us your coming to a meeting and much much more...

Parent Portal Login

Find more information about our new Beaver Colony – how it will run, why we’re doing this and answers to some questions we think you may have…

The four week challenge:

Week 1: Monday 7th November, 5.15pm to 6.15pm

Week 2: Monday 14th November, 5.15pm to 6.15pm

Week 3: Monday 21st November, 5.15pm to 6.15pm

Week 4: Monday 28th November, 5.15pm to 6.15pm

Category: New Beaver Colony

YES! Every child must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the meeting. The adults will help to run the evening with the direction and support of a Kent Scouts Growth and Development Officer and volunteer from our Group. We cannot accept any young person without an adult.

Category: New Beaver Colony

We currently don’t have space in our existing Beaver Colony to take any more young people and will unlikely have much space in the next 12-24 months. We’d like as many people to be able to take part in Scouting as possible, so we’re trailing a different way to set up a new Beaver Colony. To do this, we need volunteers, so by adults coming along with their young people, they may decide Scouting is for them too and with our support and a comprehensive training scheme, we hope they will form the leadership team to run the new Beavers.

Category: New Beaver Colony

Unfortunately, this will mean we can’t open our new Beaver Colony and everyone will go back on the waiting list for our existing Beavers. We hope this won’t happen, but even if it does, we hope that the four weeks will have been fun and exciting for everyone that comes along.

Category: New Beaver Colony

Comfortable, warm clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty!

Category: New Beaver Colony

The four week challenge trial is free to everyone invited.

Category: New Beaver Colony

Each week they’ll be a range of games and challenges. It will all be inside or within the grounds of the HQ.

Category: New Beaver Colony