It’s National Volunteers week! We just want to say a massive thank you to all our volunteers – not just the uniformed leaders or the Executive Committee members, but also to all the parents that help out on trips and adventures away from the HQ or lend a hand at section meetings when we need it. Without you all, Scouting could not exist! THANK YOU.

Every now and again a young person will be really surprised to find out we Scouting volunteers have a day job – “I thought this was your job!” is not an uncommon sentence to hear from them (and sometimes their parents!), but we are all volunteers, no financial reward, just doing it for the reward of sharing our skills and helping shape the next generation of local citizens and of course for the fun of it, as it is really fun even for us oldies – if it wasn’t, why would we do it?

So, if you happen to be chatting to a volunteer this week (in particular, but not limited to!), please just say a thank you for the time they are giving up freely for us and our young people and remember that it isn’t just the couple of hours a week at the section meeting, but all the other time they are committing to organising events, sorting badges, keeping records up to date and writing blogs!

If you’re interested in volunteering, but don’t have a huge amount of time, take a minute to read this really interesting blog about MICRO VOLUNTEERING.

Craig, Alistair & Steve