You may have seen from school that there is a daily PE/Keep fit session on YouTube led by Joe Wicks (a PE teacher). It’s fantastic, if you haven’t managed to join in) and is well worth half an hour of your time.

Everyday 9am LIVE

If you take part, let us know… it counts towards all sorts of badges:


Beaver My Skills Challenge Award

Take part in three activities on how to keep your body fit and healthy:
  • looking after your teeth
  • foods that are good and bad to eat
  • exercise you could also do something else which you agree with your leader.


Cub Our Skills Challenge Award:

Take part in three activities to help you be healthy.

Activities could include:

  • healthy eating
  • exercise
  • learning how the human body works
  • another activity agreed with your leader


Scout Skills Challenge Award

Regularly take part in physical activities over a period of four to six weeks.

Keep a record showing your improvement. Your goal could be to develop in an activity or successfully complete a challenge.

Physical activity/challenge suggestions:

  • circuit training
  • football skill training
  • aerobic routine
  • synchronised swimming routine
  • Zumba aerobics
  • tap dancing
  • team sports
  • charity swim
  • long distance cycle ride
  • incident hike
  • athletic event
  • pool life-saving test
  • dance competition


Explorer Chief Scout’s Platinum Award:

Complete the four Platinum Scout Challenges, which are:
  1. Take up a skill for three or six months*, and show progress and lasting interest. The skill can be an existing interest or something entirely new
  2. Take up a physical activity for three or six months*, completing an agreed programme of taking part and achievement
  3. Provide service to an individual or the community for three or six months*.

    Briefing and training should be given in order to gain the necessary skills. This can include helping with another section as a Young Leader.

  4. Complete a two day and one night expedition in rural country by foot, cycle, horse, canoe, boat or dinghy.

    The expedition should involve careful preparation, training, responsibility and review.


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