It’s back… 14th November 2015.

14/11/15 – 4pm to 15/11/15 – 10am JimJam15

What is JimJam?

JimJam is the Group’s own ‘indoor – outdoor’ sleepover where the hall is transformed into tent city with each tent housing a different zone of activities. This year the zones are:

Technology Zone

Multi-player games consoles, DIY game programming workshop, IT Stage badges, digital cameras

Construction Zone

The ever popular Lego, R/C construction toys and sand a plenty, have a go at building a brick wall

Active Zone

Hula-hooping, performance area/stage, bouldering wall, air rockets, Speed boat race challenge, Wii Fit, Xbox Kinnect, Rifle Range (Scouts & Explorers only)

Chill Zone

Cinema, Internet Cafe

How much does it cost?

£15 per person. For that you get, all the activities, snacks/drinks from Ted’s Bar, breakfast on Sunday morning and your very own brand new 2015 Group t-shirt.

JimJam Kit List:

  • No uniform required. Participants will be given their Group T-Shirt on arrival. Casual clothes that you don’t mind them getting dirty are fine.
  • Sleeping bag – please not in a bin bag as space is limited.
  • Sleeping mat – small ‘yoga’ type mats are fine.
  • Wash kit – to clean teeth and faces!
  • PJs to sleep in.
  • Small kit bag to put everything in. Please no bin/plastic bags as they get destroyed very quickly and space is limited.

Please ensure EVERYTHING is named. There will be over 60 people at this event so trying to find owners for everything can be tricky if it’s not labelled.



T-Shirt Order

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