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Keeping data safe is very important to us. You can see how we do this from our Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy.

We need our members help as well. Data we hold must be as accurate as possible. We ask that members (specifically, their parents/guardians) regularly check the information we hold and update it as necessary. Parents can do this at anytime, using the personalised link in any email sent to the registered email address by My.SCOUT (our online membership management system, Online Scout Manager). Click the Personal Details tab to access this area.  You will also need the to know the young person’s date of birth for added security. If this does not work, please contact your leader as we may have your young person’s date of person recorded incorrectly.

The member record should be populated with the information parents provided when their young person joined the Group. This will have come from the joining form, Young Person Information form and any subsequent updates completed by parents. The Group Executive Committee (our data controllers) deem the following information as essential and believe we have the correct legal basis for requesting such information for membership.

Red items are required. Black items are optional but recommended where possible.

Young Person’s first and last name
Young Person’s date of birth So we can ensure the young person in the correct section by age.
Primary Contact first and last name (usually parent)
Primary Contact Address
Primary Contact email address (used for My.SCOUT) Primary method for communication of programme/events and managing payments for subscriptions and events. We DO NOT provide this information to anyone third parties (other than those that provide a service to us and have confirmed to us that they comply with current legislation)
Primary Contact secondary email address (optional)
Primary Contact Phone number (mobile or land line) To contact a parent in the event of an emergency or for any membership issues.
Primary Contact Phone 2 (optional)
Primary Contact 2 first and last name (optional)
Primary Contact 2 Address (optional – if different from Primary Contact)
Primary Contact 2 email (optional)
Primary Contact 2 Phone number (optional)
Primary Contact 2 Phone 2 (optional)
Emergency Contact first and last name (NOT contact 1 or 2) A different person to Contact 1 and 2 for us to contact in the event of an emergency and that we have been unable to contact Primary Contact 1 or Primary Contact 2 (where given).
Emergency Contact Address (optional)
Emergency Contact email 1 & 2 (optional)
Emergency Contact Phone 1 (mobile or landline) For use ONLY in the event of an emergency as deemed by the leader in charge and ONLY when Primary Contact 1 and 2 (where provided) have been unreachable.
Emergency Contact Phone 2 (optional)
Emergency Contact Relationship (family friend/grandparent/etc.) So the leader in charge knows that they have contacted the right person.
Doctor’s name (optional)
Surgery name For use in an emergency as the emergency services ask for this information.
Surgery Address (optional)
Surgery Phone 1 & 2 (optional)
Medical details Essential to ensure we can keep members safe and adequately provide supervision and assess risks.
Allergies Essential to ensure we can keep members safe and adequately provide supervision and assess risks.
Dietary requirements Essential to ensue we can keep members safe and adequately assess risks.
Swimmer (can swim 50 metres unaided) As an active Group in a seaside town we are often near water and have an active water based programme (kayaking, etc.). Assists with assessing risk and ensuring adequate supervision beyond standard ratios where necessary.
School (optional) Helps us to keep friendship groups together where possible (or apart where necessary!) and ensure dates clash as little as possible.
Other useful information (optional)


When you log in to My.SCOUT using your personalised link, at the bottom of the personal details page you will see the following statement asking for you to give consent.



What does this mean?

We use photos in Scouting to show the adventure our young people have. We use photos in the hall for displays of activities and events, on our closed Facebook group to help keep parents/guardians fully informed of what we’re up to and allow them to see what a great time their young people are having, we create albums on our website to document adventures and share the good times the young people and leaders have and we use some pictures for promotion of Scouting either on our public social media or in printed materials (for external, public materials including our public social media we do not put names with photographs and try to use group photos). We avoid identifying specific young people on our closed Facebook group and rarely print a photograph with a name. We do use photographs of individuals linked with their name on our membership management system, accessible only be authorised adults from within the Group to help identify young people.


The consent you give in My.SCOUT does not cover official press photographs. We will endeavor to ask for your consent for photographs to be used in press publications, however, this may not be possible in some circumstances, such as Remembrance Day commemorations as the press take photographs without consultation with us.

Other events

Some events organised by the District, County and National Scouts may take a different approach to photograph consent beyond our control and out of the scope of the consent statement in My.SCOUT. Some events can only be attended if photo consent is given, with attendance at the event being deemed as your agreement. Where this is the case, we will let you know in the event invitation we send out via My.SCOUT. If specific consent is required for photographs at an event, we will again let you know and ask for/collect that specific consent.


If you are unsure about of this or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your section leader.

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