Copy of email sent to all members contact 1 in Parent Portal

Dear parents and carers

I hope you’ve had a lovely half term – be it a two or one week break. We’re all back to normal this coming week and looking forward to another fantastic term of Scouting fun. There’s quite a bit coming up, so please remember to keep an eye on OSM to see what’s next for your young person.

To help a bit with that, our website ( has had a little bit of a makeover, returning to having the programme for all sections on the front page and on the individual section pages. This means you won’t need to log into OSM to see the bare bones of the plan. You’ll still need to head over to OSM to see the details, times, let us know if you can’t make it, etc.

Thank you to everyone who has used OSM to let us know your young person can’t attend a meeting. This has been so easy and helpful and at the same time has stopped the Facebook group filling up with information that most people don’t need to know. Please do keep on using OSM!

All sections (except Squirrels) should have received their invite to Remembrance Sunday in Folkestone on 14th November. Please do try and attend if you can, however we understand if you have already planned other things. We weren’t sure if it was going ahead this year and only received information recently. It is worth adding the date of next year’s event (13th November 2022) to your diary now as it is the one event we really do like to see everyone attend.

We have been alerted to a ‘gang’ of teenagers around the Shepway Close/Eastfields area displaying threatening behaviour to lone younger people later in the evenings. To that end, we really do not recommend any of your members walking home from Scouts/Explorers alone if it can be at all avoided. We will not allow any young people to leave the building without an adult if we haven’t been directly contacted by a parent to give permission to walk home alone. Please do get in touch with your section leader if you need to.

Finally, the roads around the HQ are becoming more and more challenging to navigate and this will only get worse as the new estate currently under construction is completed. Please can I remind everyone to park their cars courteously, remembering that residents need to be able to access their drives/get further down the road at all times. We must not park in Peto Close either as this is allocated parking for residents of the flats. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

I hope everyone enjoys the coming term and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes


Group Scout Leader