Last updated: 11/05/2021

See what we’ve changed.

  • Check this web-page and Parent Portal
  • Sign up to each individual event (use the emailed link)
  • Check your young person’s temperature before setting off to join us
  • Check the arrival/departure information for the  evening’s programme

Phone: 01303 720270

Direct extensions: Beavers – 613, Cubs – 614, Scouts – 615, Explorers – 616

Text: 07537 149309


Keeping to the control measures we have put in place for everyone’s safety is extremely important.

All members will need to follow:

If these rules are not adhered to, a young person will:

  • be reminded of the rules
  • reminded a final time
  • parents will be contacted and the young person will be collected immediately

This is for the safety of everyone. If this happens, the Group Scout Leader will contact the parents before a return is possible and parents, young person, leader and Group Scout Leader will agree a personalised risk assessment and plan to make a return safe for everyone. The Group Scout Leader, in consultation with the District Commissioner reserve the right to stop further meetings until suitable control measures can be put in place the the safety of everyone. 

Updated 30/08/2021

We have updated our risk assessments for all activities to include suitable coronavirus controls, following guidance from The Scouts which draws on Government guidance and the National Youth Agency. We risk assess every activity we do as a matter of course and share these with everyone that needs to know. Our general risk assessment can be accessed on the Getting Everyone Back Together Safely webpage.

Updated: 30/08/2021

To keep everyone safe we need members and their parents to:

  • Check the Getting everyone back together safely web page
  • Check the details on Parent Portal in the Programmes tab for any relevant information or messages from the leaders
  • Ensure my child washes their hands thoroughly before travelling to the venue

If you need to speak to a leader, please use the INTOUCH details or email in the first instance.




The biggest help in keeping everyone safe is good communication. We call it INTOUCH and this is how it works:


Updated 30/08/2021

The use of face coverings is not mandated, but a personal choice. All we ask is that any decoration is appropriate – no skulls, etc. as they can frighten other young people.

Scouts and Explorers must wear face coverings indoors where physical contact is required by the activity or in poorly ventilated spaces. Leaders will let you know if this is the case in advnace, but usual meetings at the hall will not require face coverings as ventilation is adequate. Outdoors, they do not need to wear a face covering, however they are welcome to do so if they/parents wish.

Leaders may be wearing face masks, however are not required to. This is a personal choice.


All our leaders have a current and up-to-date first aid qualification and we have fully equipped first aid kits at every meeting indoors and out. Following advice from The Scouts, where possible and appropriate a first aider will support a young person to undertake their own first aid. If this is not possible or not appropriate, the first aider will use the appropriate PPE and deal with the issue as usual. A first aid record form will be completed and parents/carers will be informed after the meeting.

If more serious, parents/carers may be contacted and/or health professional advice sought as normal.

Updated 30/08/2021

We no longer need to have reduced numbers, as long as we continue to be sensible with simple precautions such as regular hand washing in place and use well ventilated spaces.


We will still be fully complying with our data protection policy and GDPR. This already includes the necessity to share information within Scouting (e.g. sharing information with the District Executive for approval of our risk assessment purposes) and also with statutory bodies, such as the NHS if ‘test & trace’ requires it. If this causes you any concern at all, please do speak with Craig.

Updated: 30/08/2021

We’d love your support! Please speak to your section leader if you’re interested in supporting us or if you see the ‘parent help needed’ bubble appear in Parent Portal, click the button!

Updated: 30/08/2021

To keep everyone safe, we are asking for all young people and volunteers to:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before coming to the venue
  • Follow Our keeping safe code
  • Wash you hands with the provided anti-bacterial hand wash
  • Listen to the leader’s briefing each week carefully
  • Wash you hands with the provided anti-bacterial hand wash before leaving


Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, or who has been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms (within the last two weeks), shouldn’t come to any face-to-face activities, and should follow government guidelines on self-isolation and testing. Please get in touch with Craig.


Updated: 30/08/2021

Now we’re heading back to normality, yes please. Please see each sections webpage if you’re not sure what the uniform is.


Currently, if a member of our Group is required to self isolate (either because they have been directed to by school or by the NHS) then they won’t be able to come to any section meetings.

If they have to self isolate after a section meeting because of school or being told to by the NHS, test and trace may contact us. If they contact us to advise us of this, I will follow their guidance as to the next steps. I will give them contact details of any member present at the meeting concerned and they will contact members where necessary. Because we are enforcing the 2 meter social distancing rule, current guidance we have received suggests that the risk of transmission is minimal and you should only self isolate if directed to by the NHS.

We will not contact members ourselves as it will be up to the professionals. We keep this position under review constantly and will update it inline with guidance from The Scout Association as necessary.

Updated 30/08/2021

If Test & Trace contact you and ask who your young person has been in contact with, please remember us! They’ll ask for details of who to contact at Scouts. Please give them the following details:

Craig Ward (Group Scout Leader – the volunteer manager of the Group)

Mobile: 07537 149309 Phone: 01303 720270

Please make sure it’s my details you give, not the section leaders. Please also reiterate when talking to them that Craig was not necessarily a close contact, but is the person to speak to for details of those who were close contacts! This is really important that they understand.

Here’s each section’s plan for the coming week. You’ll get an email with full details and the link to click to sign-up to tell us you’re coming. This is just a reminder:

A little help finding all the places we like