2020 Lockdown challenges for Cubs

#ChallengeBadge Link
1Find out about the World Scout badge. Create your own.International
2Learn 2 new campfire songsEntertainer
3Spell out: “Stay at home” and “Protect our NHS” and your name using the phonetic alphabetAir Activities
4Learn 4 new knotsPioneer
5Draw a large circle to look like a plate and fill in wit one item from each of the fie main food groups. You can draw the food, cut picture from magazines or newspapers or even use food packagingChef
6Read at least 6 books, write a review of your favourite and share it with your Cub leaderBook Reader
7Write a 7-point safety plan for a campfirePersonal Safety
8Learn the 8 points of a compass and work out which direction your front door facesNavigator Lvl2
9Draw, paint or create a model of our solar system with the 8 planets and the sunAstronomer
10Learn the finger spelling alphabetDisability Awareness
11Learn your 11-digit home phone number or your parent/carers mobile numberCommunicator
12Identify 6 types of living creatures or plants from any 2 of these categories: tress, garden birds, insects, wildflowers, water birds, butterflies and mothsNaturalist
13Meditate for 13 minutesOur Skills Challenge
14Change your bed and make it for 2 weeksHome Help
15Make a list of 15 potential safety hazards in your homeHome Safety
16Learn 16 different traffic signsRoad Safety
17Gather 17 different natural objects such as stones, leaves, feathers, twigs and create a picture from them. You don’t need to stick it down, you can create it on the ground, on a path or on grass. If you can’t go out, use rice grains, pasta, corn flakes, sweets, raisins or something similarNaturalist
18Learn a code or cipher and write an 18-word message in it. If you can, send it to a friend to see if they can decode it (don’t forget to send them the cipher too)Communicator
19Find 19 things in your house that came from other countries. If you can mark where they came from on a map of the world. You should look at labels on food, clothing and electronicsGlobal Issues
20Design and build a model rocket using exactly 20 different items. This could be Lego, K’Nex, car, paper, loo rolls etc.Our Skills Challenge
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