Earn your Gardener Badge from home

There are 5 sections to earn your badge​

Section 1

Choose 6 fruits or vegetables and explain what the best season is for each one and when is the right time to plant and pick. Use the chart below to record your findings (You can print this page)

Fruit/Vegetable Time to plant Time to pick

Section 2

Learn the correct tools for the correct job.
Using the information below decide what tools you would need for the jobs on the following page (you can either print the table and write the tools in or print the pictures and labels to put in the table)

Hand Forks are used to turn the soil and lift and loosen hard dirt.
Especially useful for lifting weeds.

Gardening Gloves are essential for gardening. Not only do they keep your hands clean, they also help to avoid cuts and grazes.

Hand Trowels are like small shovels. You can use them to turn soil dig small holes for planting and for transferring soil into small pots.

Secateurs are used for cutting and trimming small branches and stems. They can be used to harvest small fruits and veggies.

A Spade is used to dig large holes, move compost or soil and to cut through roots when digging.

Watering Cans are used to carry water to our plants and flowers. These are especially useful when first planting something and when it has been very dry.

Dig a hole and plant a tree in it


Plant some seeds


Harvest fruit or vegetables


Prune the roses


Weed the garden


Water the garden


Section 3

Plant 2 fruit or veg items in the garden, allotment or indoors and look after it for 2 months.
Fill in the report as you go below

Todays date:

I planted:

In my:

I have watered them on (add dates below)



After 1 week they were       cm tall

After 2 weeks they were      cm tall

The first fruit / veg appeared on:

We ate the first fruit or veg on:

Section 4

Plants need labels so we remember what they are and when we first planted them. Sometimes plants can be put in the wrong place or the variety did not do very well in our areas and so the label reminds us which ones did not work and which ones did.

Make some plant labels for your plants and remember to upload a photo of them. Here’s an example

Remember, have fun whilst doing this badge and don’t forget to take lots of pics and upload them below.

Section 5

Find out which Mini Beasts are good for your plants and garden and why? Here are just a few but beware some of these may be harmful, so do your homework do not just guess.

*Featured image by PMillera4 on Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

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