Where do we meet?

We are lucky to have a purpose built centre for our headquarters. Our address is: The Scouting Centre, Shepway Close, Folkestone CT19 5SJ Parking is available in Shepway Close and the hall is a short walk along the fully lit alley way.

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When do we meet?

All our sections meet weekly. Beavers 6-8 yrs old Tuesdays 5.15pm to 6.30pm Cubs 8-10.5 yrs old Tuesdays 6.45pm to 8.15pm Scouts 10.5-14 yrs old Fridays 7pm to 9pm Explorers 14-18 yrs old Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm

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How much does it cost?

Each member pays £165 per year, split into monthly payment of £15 per month (excluding August). Lots more information on finances and where the money goes is available from our handbook.

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How does the joining list work?

The joining list process is broken into 3 stages, as explained below: Submission Parent is pointed to the 11thfolkestonescouts.org.uk website. Parent completes the registration form. Form is submitted to Online Scout manager. Parent is emailed a copy of their submission. Membership Matters team is emailed a copy of the submission. The next step Membership Matters team review submission on the joining list. Admin checks the age, and if less than 5 3/4 the parent is contacted to acknowledge receipt. Review & Offer The Membership Matters team/section leader reviews the list for members who are in the correct age range. The section leader contacts the parent and offers a place or identifies a likely start date if in the future, and […]

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Where is my child on the joining list?

The joining list is not strictly linear, a number of factors will be taken into consideration to ensure that the young person gets a quality time in scouting.  Which may mean if your child gets close to the upper age range for their current section, they will be considered for the next section. For example Johnny has been on the list since he was 4 years old, but he is now 7 years and 10 months old. Janey has been on the list since she was 5, and is 5 years 10 months old, it is likely that the place will be offered to Janey over Johnny, because Janey will have more time in Beavers than Johnny will. By the […]

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How do I register my child?

We have an online form that captures the data required to be able to offer places, when they become available. This form can be found: https://www.11thfolkestonescouts.org.uk/join-our-adventure/ This data captured within this form is made available to the individual section leaders through our Online Scout Manager membership management system.

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