The Penticost Fund is a designated fund within our Group accounts set up to support Scouting.
This fund can be used at the discretion of the Group Executive Committee to support a particular aspect of Scouting for an individual member, group of members, section or the entire Group. If you think you need support from this fund, please speak with a leader or trustee in the strictest confidence.
The fund exists because of an unrestricted grant made to the Group in 2014 by the local Town Council which was requested and obtained by Chris Penticost. Sadly, Chris left us in 2014 before the grant was made so as a celebration of the life’s work and dedication Chris gave to Scouting and his Group in particular, the trustees decided to designate the fund to helping others engage with and enjoy Scouting as much as possible and as much as he did.
The Promise Path at Gilwell Park, the home of Scouting, includes a tribute to Chris from the whole Group. He’ll always be there with BP!